A Timeless Classic – Easy Instant Recipes (2024)

Are you craving a delectable treat that transports you back to fond memories of grandma’s kitchen? Look no further! Today, we’re diving deep into the rich and velvety world of Old Fashioned Fudge, complete with a touch of nostalgia and the most irresistible flavors.

A Timeless Classic – Easy Instant Recipes (1)

The Secrets Behind Perfect Old Fashioned Fudge:

  • Quality Ingredients: Always use high-quality cocoa such as Hershey’s and a trusted brand like Carnation for the evaporated milk.
  • Consistent Heat: Ensure a steady medium heat and continuous stirring to prevent burning.
  • Setting Time: As tempting as it might be, letting the fudge set completely ensures the best texture and flavor development.

Shopping List:

  • Sugar: 2 cups (Look for granulated sugar for the best texture)
  • Hershey’s cocoa: 4 Tablespoons
  • Salted Butter: 1 stick (Or unsalted butter with a pinch of salt)
  • Carnation Evaporated Milk: 5 ounce can
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon
  • Nuts (Optional): Almonds, walnuts, or pecans


  • Pan Preparation: Line an 8×8 inch pan with parchment paper or lightly grease it.
  • Mix Dry Ingredients: In a saucepan, whisk sugar and Hershey’s cocoa until they’re well combined.
  • Creamy Texture: Add in the stick of salted butter and the Carnation Evaporated Milk.
  • Cooking: Heat and stir constantly on medium heat. Aim for a soft ball consistency.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes (plus cooling time)
  • Servings: 24 squares (approximately)


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 Tablespoons Hershey’s cocoa
  • 1 stick of salted butter
  • 5 ounce can of Carnation Evaporated Milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Nuts (optional, but they add a delightful crunch!)


  • Set the Stage: Before you start, line an 8×8 inch pan with parchment paper or lightly grease it. This will make the removal of your fudge pieces a breeze.
  • Sweet Beginnings: In a heavy saucepan, combine the 2 cups of sugar with the 4 tablespoons of Hershey’s cocoa. Whisk them together until they’re well integrated.
  • Buttery Delight: Add the stick of salted butter and the 5 ounces of Carnation Evaporated Milk to your sugar and cocoa mixture. This is where the magic happens!
  • Stir It Up: Cook over medium heat while constantly stirring. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and let it boil for about 3-4 minutes. The consistency you’re aiming for is a soft ball stage. A good way to test this is by dropping a tiny amount of the mixture into cold water. If it forms a soft ball, it’s ready.
  • Vanilla Essence: Once off the heat, stir in the teaspoon of vanilla. This will elevate your fudge to a whole new level of deliciousness!
  • Nuts About Fudge: If you’re a fan of nuts, fold them into your mixture now. They add a delightful crunch and contrast to the creamy texture of the fudge.
  • Set and Forget: Pour the mixture into your prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula. Let it cool for several hours. For the best results, resist the temptation to taste it and let it set overnight.
  • The Grand Finale: Once fully set, lift the fudge out using the parchment paper and place it on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut it into squares and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Serving Suggestions:

  1. Gourmet Pairings: Serve your fudge squares alongside a steaming cup of coffee or an aged glass of red wine.
  2. Dessert Platter: Arrange a platter with other treats like cookies, chocolates, and fruits.
  3. Gift It: Pack them in decorative boxes or bags, making it a perfect holiday gift.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • Can I use unsalted butter? Absolutely! Just add a pinch of salt to the recipe.
  • How long does it last? Stored in an airtight container, it can last up to two weeks.
  • Can I add other flavors? Sure! Experiment with mint, orange, or even coconut extracts.

How To Store Leftovers:

  • Room Temperature: Place in an airtight container and keep in a cool, dry place for up to a week.
  • Refrigeration: If you prefer your fudge a bit firmer, store in the fridge for up to two weeks.
  • Freezing: Wrap individual pieces in plastic wrap and place in a freezer-safe bag. Can be frozen for up to three months.

Hints & Hacks:

  • Avoid Crystallization: When heating the mixture, use a pastry brush dipped in water to brush down the sides of the pot. This prevents sugar crystals from forming.
  • Nuts: Toasting nuts before adding them can amplify their flavor.
  • Creamy Fudge: For an even creamier texture, you can add a tablespoon of corn syrup to the mixture.

Indulge in this trip down memory lane with a recipe that stands the test of time. The perfect blend of sweetness, creaminess, and a hint of nostalgia, this Old Fashioned Fudge is sure to become a cherished favorite in your household. Remember, the key to perfect fudge is patience. Let it set, cut it into squares, and relish every bite!

Do you have any fudge memories or variations? Share them in the comments below! And if you’ve tried this recipe, let us know how it turned out. Happy fudging!

📌 Love this recipe? Make sure to pin it to your favorite dessert Pinterest board so you can easily find it later!

A Timeless Classic – Easy Instant Recipes (2)

A Timeless Classic – Easy Instant Recipes (2024)


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