How To Reheat Chicken Wings (Perfectly Crispy) (2024)

Are you looking for a quick way to reheat chicken wings without making them chewy?

You’re in the right place!

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • 4 different ways to reheat your wings
  • How to store them for the best outcome
  • Tips for making your leftover wings crispy
  • And much more!

Figuring out how to reheat chicken wings can be a bit tricky. So, we are here to help you out!

It is usually a good idea to store leftovers in your refrigerator and freezer. Nobody wants to throw wings away just because you prepared too many.

However, many people are reluctant to eat leftovers because they are unsure how to reheat leftover wings properly.

If you aren’t careful when reheating, you may easily turn your crispy fried chicken into a rubbery mess.

Because chicken wings are cheap and so easy to make, we used to smoke a lot of them and end up throwing them away because reheating them was simply gross.

You will have enough chicken wings for another supper or snack if you learn to reheat chicken wings properly.

There are various methods for reheating chicken wings without compromising their outstanding flavor. To find out which strategy is most appropriate for you, keep reading!

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How to Reheat Chicken Wings in the Microwave (Quickest Method)

For reheating just about any meal, microwaves are a go-to option. While they aren’t the ideal option for various reasons, they are pretty convenient in many situations.

You may easily overcook chicken wings in the microwave, making them dry and rubbery. Here’s what we recommend for achieving quick and delicious outcomes!

What is the best way to go about it?

Step 1: Set Your Wings Out

Bring your wings out of the fridge and sit them on the counter for a few minutes.

You want them to start getting up towards room temperature.

Step 2: Prep Your Plate

Prepare a moist paper towel and set it on a microwave-safe plate while you’re waiting for the food.

Place your wings on the paper towel and drape a second moist towel over the wings.

Using this loose envelope of wetness, you can preserve the moisture in your wings.

Step 3: Microwave The Wings In 30-second Intervals

Place the wings in the microwave and cook until warm — not hot.

This should take around 2 minutes total, although you should break this up into 30-second intervals to avoid overheating.

You could do this until they’re ready, but you may not get that crispy skin if you stop here. The remaining steps are optional, but I highly recommend them.

Step 4: Crisp Them Up In The Oven

Remove the wings from the microwave and lay them on a baking sheet (use nonstick spray or parchment paper to prevent sticking). Place the wings on the center rack of the oven.

Allow them to bake for 1 minute, flip, and then cook for another minute after flipping them.

Step 5: Check Your Temp

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and check if the wing temperature is 160 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. If so, it’s time to eat.

If they are below 165 degrees Fahrenheit, they should rest and come up to temperature before serving.

How long does it take to reheat wings in the microwave?

It takes about 4 minutes to reheat chicken wings in the microwave, which includes 2 minutes spent in the oven to get a crispy bite.

Read More >> How To Thaw Chicken

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How to Reheat Chicken Wings in the Oven

The oven is another go-to option for reheating and cooking foods, including chicken wings. With this easy technique, you can preserve the wing’s crispy outside and juicy insides.

Step 1: Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 2: Get The Wings Out

While the oven is preheating, place your wings on the counter to allow them to come up to room temperature.

Step 3: Prep Your Baking Sheet

Spray a cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray to make it easier to clean. Alternatively, you can use parchment paper to line the baking sheet.

Step 4: Put Your Wings on the Baking Sheet

Spread your wings out on the baking sheet and set it in the oven on the middle shelf of the preheated oven.

Step 5: Flip The Wings

After about 6 minutes, turn the wings over and bake for another 6 minutes on the other side.

Step 6: Check The Internal Temperature

Use an instant-read thermometer to check the interior temperature. Remove the wings from the oven when the temperature reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 7: Rest and Eat

Allow the wings to rest a few minutes before serving.

If you plan to re-sauce them, you’d do that while they’re resting.

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Reheating Chicken Wings with a Skillet or Pan

This is just another reason why a decent frying pan should be a part of any kitchen’s arsenal. It’s quick and easy to prepare, and the leftover wings come out surprisingly tasty.

Step 1: Remove Wings From Fridge

Allow your wings to come to room temperature on the counter. Make sure they are protected.

Step 2: Get Your Frying Pan Warm

Start by heating your frying pan on medium heat. Apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the surface.

Step 3: Put Your Wings In The Pan

Carefully place your wings in the hot pan, taking care not to splatter yourself. Placing them in the pan from closest to you to furthest from you will help keep splatter to a minimum.

Fry them for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they are crispy and golden brown.

It’s okay to add a little more sauce to your wings and toss them about in the pan if you want to during this step.

Step 4: Check The Temp

Remove the pan from the heat and use an instant-read thermometer to check the internal temperature of your chicken wings. Anything with a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit or above is good.

Step 5: Rest Then Eat

Removing the wings from the pan and allowing them to rest for a few minutes will allow for carryover cooking, which will get them up to 165 °F before serving.

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Reheating Chicken Wings Using Sous Vide Method

If you want to make excellent wings, employing sous vide will undoubtedly be beneficial.

Sous Vide translates to “under vacuum” since you want to ensure that the meal is completely sealed and free of air.

After that, you cook the item at a particular temperature in a water bath that circulates the dish as it is cooking.

Because it allows for precise temperature control, the sous vide method can overcome overcooking.

The procedure is as follows:

Step 1: Preheat Your Sous Vide Machine

Preheat your sous vide machine to 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius).

Step 2: Put Extra Rubs Into The Bag With Your Wings

Chicken wings should be placed in zip-lock bags and thoroughly seasoned with spice rub and/or sauce.

Step 3: Put Your Wings Into The Water

Using the water displacement technique, arrange the chicken wings in a single layer in a vacuum-sealing bag. A pot of water and a zip-lock bag is all that you’ll need.

Water displacement technique: Slowly drop the bagged food into your boiling water-filled cooking vessel. The water’s pressure pushes the air out of the bag via the opening at the top. Once you’ve gotten the majority of the air out of the bag, carefully close it up just above the waterline.

Step 4: Let Them Cook For About 1.5 Hours

Cook the chicken wings in sous vide water bath for 1.5 hours, turning them halfway through.

Step 5: Take The Wings Out Of The Water

After the wings have been cooked, take them from the bag and pat them dry with paper towels.

Step 6: Get The Crispy Texture

Cook chicken wings under the broiler until the skin is crispy. However, this step is not required, but it makes the skin crisp on the exterior.

Cooking the wings in this manner ensures that the meat remains moist and does not lose its taste due to overcooking.

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How to Store Cooked or Uncooked Chicken Wings Correctly

The way you store food plays a big part in retaining flavor and whether or not you can eat it later. Here’s how you can preserve cooked or even uncooked chicken wings:

  • If properly wrapped, you may preserve raw or cooked chicken at 40°F or lower for many days. How long the meat can be refrigerated depends on its freshness when purchased, the temperatures it is exposed to during transportation, and the packaging used.
  • To prevent raw fluid leakage, remove the original wrapper and place the chicken on a dish covered with wax paper, foil, or tightly wrapped in plastic.
  • It should be kept separate from other foods to avoid cross-contamination of the raw juices. Place the wings in the coldest portion of the fridge, ideally bottom shelf
  • Chicken may be refrigerated for 2–3 days at temperatures greater than 40°F. Chicken giblets and ground poultry should only be refrigerated for one day. If you plan to store the chicken products for a long time, freeze them beforehand.
  • Cooked chicken may be refrigerated for three or four days at 40°F or below. If you have leftovers that won’t be eaten in a week, you may freeze them for up to three months.

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How To Reheat Chicken Wings (Perfectly Crispy) (1)

Tips on Getting the Best Out of Your Chicken Wings

Most of us associate leftover chicken wings with mushy, shriveled lumps in white cardboard cartons from our local dive bar.

The good news is that homemade chicken wings are simple to make and great tasting. Take your wings to the next level, whether you’re tailgating, entertaining, or simply relaxing at home with a cool drink.

  • Ask the butcher to pre-trim the wings for you.
  • Trim the wings by slicing through the two knobby joints with a chef’s knife or cleaver (save the tips for stock). To make elegant lollipops, scrape the flesh down half the bone into a ball at the other end.
  • Wings are great with the skin on and crispy. To get the optimum crispiness, either blot the skin before seasoning or season with baking powder, salt, and pepper and refrigerate overnight. Add spice at every level. Choose a rub with a proper balance of spice and salt to produce crisp, delicious skin.
  • Most chicken is done when the internal temperature reaches 165°. With their high fat and skin ratio, wings are the only meat that tastes better well done, with crispy skin and dry flesh, at 175-180°.
  • Apply a sauce or glaze to the wings during the last few minutes of cooking. Brush on your sauce or glaze, then return the wings to the oven to caramelize the sauce. If you’re using a sweet sauce like glaze or BBQ, keep an eye out for charring.

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FAQs About Reheated Wings

How can you know when chicken wings are done?

You can find out if your chicken wings are done by either checking the internal temperature or simply poking the meat.

If you’re using a meat thermometer, the internal temperature should be 165°F.

If you’re without a thermometer, you will know your wings are done by poking the wings and observing the color of the juices coming out. If it’s clear, they’re done. If it’s still pink or red, they need a little more time.

Note >> This poking method only applies to chicken.

How can you prevent soggy chicken wings?

Soggy chicken wings can be prevented by cooking your wings at a reasonably moderate temperature (about 250 degrees) and then allowing them to cool down before serving. As a result, your wings will be juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.

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Best Way To Reheat Chicken Wings

  1. Preheat Your Oven To 350°F
  2. Set Your Wings Out Until Room Temp
  3. Spray Your Baking Sheet With Nonstick Cooking Spray
  4. Spread Your Wings In A Single Layer On The Baking Sheet
  5. Cook Your Wings For 6 Minutes And Then Flip
  6. Cook For 6 More Minutes Then Check Temp
  7. Once 165°F, Allow Them To Rest And Then Serve

Final Thoughts On Leftover Chicken Wings

It’s hard to top the flavor of hot, freshly cooked chicken wings. Leftover chicken wings, when prepared correctly, may bring back their natural taste.

Make sure to experiment with all of these approaches to find the one that works best for you.

But first and foremost, learn to reheat them the right way to preserve their original flavor!

If you want to learn more about grilling, check out these other helpful resources!

How To Reheat Chicken Wings (Perfectly Crispy) (2024)
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