Joseph Smith III’s 1844 Blessing And The Mormons of Utah (2024)

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Volume 15, Issue 2

Summer 1982

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Research Article| July 01 1982

D. Michael Quinn

D. Michael Quinn

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Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought (1982) 15 (2): 69–90.

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D. Michael Quinn; Joseph Smith III’s 1844 Blessing And The Mormons of Utah. Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 1 July 1982; 15 (2): 69–90. doi:

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1 Joseph Smith, 3rd, by his father, Joseph Smith, Junr. on Jany. 17, 1844,"

2 Bullock in LDS Historical Department; Andrew Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 4 vols.

( Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Co., 1901-1936), 2:399-600;

C. Ward Despain, "Thomas Bullock: Early Mormon Pioneer" (Thesis, Brigham Young University, 1936).

3 Wilford Woodrutt Journal, 26 Eeb. 1862, 22 Jan. 1863,

4 Joseph Smith manuscript 1832-1834 Journal, 19 April 1834, p. 79, LDS Historical Department.

5 Ear West Record, 15 March 1838, LDS Historical Department.

6 Manuscript History of the Church, Book A-1, 5 Dec. 1834, in handwriting of Oliver Cowdery, LDS Historical Department.

7 Doctrine and Covenants 107:24, 118:30, Utah edition;

Doctrine and Covenants, 104:11c, 105:12, RLDS edition.

8 Times and Seasons 2 (1 June 1841): 42;

Doctrine and Covenants 124:91, 95, Utah edition;

Doctrine and Covenants 107:296b, e, RLDS edition.

9 B.H. Roberts, ed., History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols. (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1970), 5:510;

Willard Richards Journal, 16 July 1843, LDS Historical Department.

11 D. Michael Quinn, "Organizational Development and Social Origins of the Mormon Hierarchy, 18321932: A Prosopographical Study" (M.A. thesis, University of Utah, 1973), pp. 132, 204-5.

12 Oliver Cowdery in Joseph Smith, Sr., Patriarchal Blessing Book, Vol. 1, pp. 8-9

Isaac Morley in 1838,

Hyrum Smith in 1840,

Peter Meiling in 1840,

John Albiston in 1841,

James Adams in 1843,

John Smith in 1844,

Asahel Smith in 1844.

13 "Patriarchal," Times and Seasons 6 (1 June 1845):992, 921.

15 Complainant’s Abstract of Pleading and Evidence, In the Circuit Court of the United States, Western District of Missouri, Western Division, at Kansas City. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Complainant, vs. The Church of Christ at Independence, Missouri... (Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1892), p. 28

16 Ibid., pp. 28, 32;

U.S. Circuit Court (8th Circuit), Testimony (1892),

Box 1, folder 2, #5, p. 19, Question 250.

17 Temple Lot, p. 36.

18 Joseph Smith, Jr., Journal, 21 Jan. 1844

Wilford Woodruff Journal, 21 Jan. 1844,

LDS Historical Department; Andrew F. Ehatand Lyndon W. Cook, eds., The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo discourses of the Prophet Josepdi (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980), pp. 317-19;

Roberts, History of the Church 6:179, 183.

19 Autumn Leaves 1 (May 1888):202. See footnote 1.

20 Temple Lot, pp. 33, 37.

21 Wilford Woodruffjournal, 21 Jan. 1844, Joseph Smith Journal, 21 Jan. 1844;

Ehatand Cook, The Wordsof Joseph, pp. 317-19.

22 Nauvoo High Council 1843-1844

23 Temple Lot, p. 28;

William W. Blair Diary, 17 June 1874, RLDS Research Library and Archives.

24 Temple Lot, 29, 33;

Alexander Hale Smith Diary, 14 May 1864,

William W. Blair Diary, 17 June 1874,

Temple Lot, p. 32,

23 Temple Lot, p. 37;

Ehat and Cook, The Words of Joseph, pp. 340-61.

26 Temple Lot, p. 33;

Recommend and Appointment of James Whitehead, Winter Quarters, Camp of Israel, 17 April 1848, James Whitehead Papers, and Pottawattamie High Council Record, 5 Nov, 1848,

Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star 11 (1 Jan. 1849):27.

27 Alexander Hale Smith Diary, 14 May 1864,

William W. Blair Diary, page opposite entry tor 17 May 1865,

28 D. Michael Quinn, "Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles," BYU Studies 19 (Pall 1978):83-91.

29 Howard and Martha Coray Notebook, 13 Aug. 1843, Franklin D. Richards Scripturalltems, 13 Aug. 1843, William Clayton Journal, 13 Aug. 1843, in LDS Historical Department and Archives, and quoted in Ehat and Cook, Words of Joseph, pp. 241-42;

Roberts, History of the Church, 5:530-31.

30 Historian’s Office Journal, 1 Sept. 1861, LDS Historical Department.

31 William W. Blair Diary, 17 June 1874, RLDS Research Library and Archives.

32 Revelation to Newel K. Whitney, dictated by Joseph Smith, 27 July 1842, LDS Historical Department.

33 Roberts, History of the Church 6:253;

Wilford Woodruff Journal, 10 March 1844, Joseph Smith Journal, 10 March 1844;

D. Michael Quinn, "The Council of Fifty and Its Members, 1844 to 1945," BYU Studies 20 (Winter 1980):165.

34 King David." ( Oliver B. Huntington diary, typescript, 1:53 Brigham Young University;

E. Cecil McGavin, The Family of Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, Inc. 1963), p. 138.

35 Manuscript minutes of Brigham Young sermon, 7 Oct. 1863,

36 Times and Seasons 5 (15 Sept. 1844):651, 5 (1 Nov. 1844):698.

37 Benjamin P. Johnson manuscript autobiography, "A Life Review," p. 96, and Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 30 Nov. 1844, p. 7, both at LDS Historical Department.

38 Unpublished manuscript minutes of sermon of 23 March 1853, Heber C. Kimball Papers, LDS Historical Department.

39 A Series of Instructions and Remarks by President Brigham Young at a Special Council, Tabernacle, March 21, 1 858 (Salt Lake City, 1858), pp. 3-4,

A. Karl Larson and Katharine Miles Larson, Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, 2 vols. (Logan: Utah State University Press, 1980), 1:25.

41 Doctrine and Covenants 112:15, Utah edition;

Doctrine and Covenants 105:66, RLDS edition;

"History ot Brigham Young," LDS Millennial Star 26 (4 June 1864): 359.

42 William Clayton Journal, 4 July, 6 July 1844.

43 Ibid., 12 July 1844.

44 Roberts, History of the Church, 7:213;

William Clayton Journal, 4 Aug. 1844;

Crandall Dunn Journal, 5 Aug. 1844, at LD5 Historical Department;

D. Michael Quinn, "Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844," BYU Studies 16 (Winter 1976): 187-233.

45 George Laub 1845-1846 Journal, p. 91,

William Burton Diary, May 1845,

Henry and Catharine Brooke to Leonard and Mary Pickel, 15 Nov. 1844,

46 Roberts, History of the Church 7:236,

William C. Staines Journal assaying that there were "a few dissenting voices," and "History of William Adams, Wrote by himself January 1894," p. 15,

47 Times and Seasons (15 Aug. 1844): 618;

Ch." Miscellaneous Minutes, 5 Dec. 1847, p. 13,

48 Brigham Young 1837-1844 Journal, 19 Sept. 1844;

HeberC. Kimball 1844-1845 Journal, entry after 27 May 1845,

49 William Clayton Journal, 22 Dec. 1844, 12 Jan., 26-27 Jan. 1845.

50 Quinn, ’The Council of Fifty and Its Members," p. 171;

Willard Richards Journal, 21 Feb. 1844.

51 Manuscript Minutes of Conference, 7 April 1845,

Brigham Young to Wilford Woodruff, 8 May 1845,

Willard Richards Journal, 15 Aug. 1845,

52 Manuscript minutes of Brigham Young sermon "on the occasion of a family meeting, held at his residence," 25 Dec. 1857 (italics added), and Miscellaneous Minutes, 12 Feb. 1849, p. 2,

53 Henry Brown, History of Illinois (New York: New York Press, 1844) p. 489;

Statement of Lucy Mack Smith, 27 June 1845,

Joseph Smith, Sr., in Kirtland, written by Lucy Mack Smith from memory in 1845,

Journal of John Taylor, 27 and 30 June 1845,

B. H. Roberts, Succession in the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City: Deseret news, 1894), p. 19-23.

54 William Clayton Journal, 10 Dec. 1845;

Heber C. Kimball Journal, 10 Dec. 1845;

Roberts, History of the Church 7:470-72, 541-42.

55 Pamphlet printed in Warsaw Signal (Warsaw, Illinois), 29 Oct. 1845, pp. 1, 4.

56 James Monroe Journal, 24 April 1845, Yale University.

57 William Smith to James J. Strang, 25 Dec. 1846, Document 27b, Strang Manuscripts, Yale University.

58 Voree Herald 1 (Oct. 1846);

Quinn, "The Council of Fifty and Its Members," p. 193.

59 William Clayton Journal, 23 May 1845;

Adams to A.R. Tewkesbury, 14 June 1845,

60 William W. Blair Diary, 15 May 1865;

LDS Herald 8 (1 Oct. 1865);

Voree Herald 1 (July 1846).

62 Wilford Woodruff Journal, 16 Feb. 1847;

Brigham Young Office Journal, 23 Feb. 1860

Journal of Discourses, 4:6 John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled (St. Louis: Bryan, Brand & Co., 1877), pp. 155, 161-162, 164;

John H. Carter in Temple Lot, p. 181.

63 Smith David, The Story of the Church (Independence, Missouri: Herald House, 1948);

Mary Audentia Smith Anderson and Bertha Anderson Hulmes, eds., Josaih Smith III and the Restoration (1832-1914) (Independence: Herald House, 1979.

Robert D. Hutchins, "Joseph Smith III: Moderate Mormon" (M. A. Thesis, Brigham Young University, 1977.)

George A. Smith invited Joseph Smith 111 to come to Utah in letters of 13 March 1849 and 24 June 1854.

64 Journal of Discourses, 8:69.

65 Samuel H.B. Smith to George A. Smith, 10 July 1860, Mss 1046,

Joseph Fielding Smith, Life of Joseph F. Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938), pp. 197-198.

66 Alexander Hale Smith Diary, 14 May 1864,

William W. Blair Diary, 14 June 1874,

67 Minutes of the RLDS Council of the Twelve Apostles, Book A, p. 11 (3 May 1865) and p. 34 (9 April 1867), RLDS Research Library and Archives.

68 David H. Smith to Brother Sherman, 27 July 1872, RLDS Research Library and Archives.

69 Paul M. Edwards, "The Sweet Singer of Israel: David Hyrum Smith," BYU Studies 12 (Winter 1972): 175-176, see note 30.

70 Journal of Discourses, 3:212, 5:296, 6:320, 8:69, 11:115, 18:70-71.

71 Edmund C. Briggs Journal, 7 Oct. 1863,

Brigham Young sermon, 7 Oct. 1863,

72 Manuscript minutes of sermon, 7 Oct. 1866

Brigham Young office journal, 15 Aug. 1860.

73 Alma R. Blair, "The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Moderate Mormonism," in Restoration Movement: Essays in Mormon History, ed. by F. Mark McKiernan, Alma R. Blair, and Paul M. Edwards (Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado Press, 1973), p. 218.

copyright © 1982 Dialogue Foundation


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